VRIJ-MAN, yoga & adem, body & mind


"In silence, as a free-man, you discover who you really are"

VRIJ-MAN stands for attention. Small groups, connection with nature, nice atmosphere, centrally located and easily accessible. Choose today and allow yourself a weekly anchor point in your life.

You can come to VRIJ-MAN for:

  • Yoga
    - Hatha yoga
    - Yin yoga
    - Advanced yoga
    - Yoga 4 all
  • Meditation
  • Soundhealing
  • Massage
  • Coaching for stress and burn-out
  • Workshops: yoga nidra and more

- Hatha Yoga offers alternation of strength and easing in addition to attention to breath and relaxation.
- Yin Yoga emphasizes softening in stretching. Poses are held without force for 2-5 minutes to work on deeper connective tissues. Work deeply physically and mentally.
- Advanced Yoga is a dynamic class. Sun salutations are followed by various asanas both yin and yang with a final relaxation to integrate and unwind.
- Yoga 4 all is a gentle form of yoga. Gentle movement, attention to relaxation. On the mat, chair or combined.

For info class offerings, visit:https://www.vrij-man.nl/lessen

The subscription rate for yoga classes is based on 40 classes per year. In the months of July and August there are no regular classes due to vacations. The 10-month price is divided into 12 monthly installments. Excluded from the rate is all offerings other than regular yoga classes as they appear in the weekly schedule.

For offerings other workshops and activities check out: Workshops - Vrij-man

We offer the following subscription;

-Yoga unlimited

Group lessons

Grootgenhouterstraat 9A
6191 NP Beek



Want to start at VRIJ-MAN, yoga & adem, body & mind?

Sign up today!